Rules to live by

Photo Mar 28, 3 33 18 PM
This photo was taken by me during my family’s trip to Bryce Canyon National Park. I placed my camera on a tripod with a self-timer.
  1. Carry a camera no matter where you are
  2. Go for a run or a walk to stay active and healthy
  3. Always think before you speak, tell yourself what the context of the conversation really is before you tell someone something
  4. Advocate for something you believe in

    Photo Jun 14, 11 33 58 AM
    Photo taken by me of a book sale in Boston
  5. Think about the long-term implications of what you are buying before purchasing it, question whether you need that item
  6. Go and explore places that you may have never been to before, they can be around your hometown or somewhere far away
  7. Be nice to everyone no matter what they say or what they think

    Photo Mar 25, 12 05 55 PM.jpg
    Photo taken by me of my family hiking in Zion National Park
  8. Have a cup of coffee every day to get your gears going and your mind ready
  9. Always wear what makes you most comfortable and embrace your own style no matter what people think
  10. Be honest about how you feel and don’t let others judge you


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